SSL certificate does not adapt well to HTML files under SSL-certified directories

Asked 1 years ago, Updated 1 years ago, 137 views

like an attachment on a website's content, SSL certification may not work.

SSL certificates are properly configured and
in different directories in the same domain We have verified that the SSL certificate is successful.

Google Chrome's
Why this message is displayed On the website → Right-click to verify elements, so
I looked it up using this feature.


I found out that this part is used in HTML.
(Both do not have https)

SSL certificate does not seem to work properly because of the above.

However, the URL is
The entire website uses Google's functionality for the in-site search window.

like Regarding Google's website, is there a way to use https?

For, you can also use
Commonly used throughout the website, defined in .htaccess as follows
I did.

ErrorDocument 404/example/general/404.html

It seems that the above definition also works in the https area.
to make the above definition not work and the 404 dedicated to the https area work Should I set it up?

This question is a little far from the programming question, but I am currently asking
I'd like to solve it somehow because it will interfere with programming.

If you know, please let me know.

[Development environment]

  • HTML

  • CSS

  • JavaScript

  • Rental Server (CentOS5)

  • PHP (5.2.16)

  • Work environment (Windows 7 pro)

  • For code editing (NoEditor)




Rental Server (CentOS 5)

PHP (5.2.16)

Work environment (Windows 7 pro)

For code editing (NoEditor)

SSL Certificate Warning

html centos http ssl https

2022-09-30 20:16

1 Answers

This is It seems to be an old code but which site did you refer to?

It is recommended that you reconfigure it using the help of the help.By the way, the latest code also automatically determines http/https.

Add Custom Search to Site - Custom Search Help

ErrorDocument 404/example/general/404.html

This is a specification of which page to display when an error occurs, so there is no "insert all pages" movement.If this specification affects you, the image or iframe URL that you are loading on that page is incorrect.

First, try modifying the code for your custom search.

2022-09-30 20:16

If you have any answers or tips

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