I recently started using MySQL Workbench.
I've been using it for a long time, but when I tried to start it today (2022/6/22), I got the following error.
I tried the following.
I did a lot of research, but I didn't really understand.
If anyone knows how to solve it, please let me know.Thank you.
The environment is Windows 1021H2 (64bit) and MySQLWB is ver.8.0.28.
Some of the error logs are also listed below.
22:34:38 [INF] Workbench:UI is up
22:34:38 [INF] [Workbench]:running the application
22:34:45 [ERR] SQL Editor Form: SqlEditorForm: exception in do_connect method: Exception: Unable to connect to localhost
22:34:45 [WRN] SQL Editor Form—Unable to connect to localhost
22:34:45 [INF] SQL Editor Form—Error 2003 connecting to server, assembling server is down and opening editor with no connection
22:34:45 [INF] SQL Editor Form—Error 2003 connecting to server, assembling server is down and opening editor with no connection
22:34:46 [INF] [WQE.net]:Launching SQL IDE
22:34:48 [INF] [WQE.net]: SQL IDE UI is ready
22:34:52 [ERR] [wb_admin_control.py:init:307]:Error connecting to MySQL: Unable to connect to localhost (code2003)
22:34:52 [ERR] [wb_server_management.py:local_run_cmd_windows:407]: Exception executing local command: chcp.com: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0x8c in position 0: invalid start byte
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQLWorkbench 8.0\modules\wb_server_management.py", line 404, in local_run_cmd_windows
retcode=OSUtils.exec_command(command, output_handler)
File "C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQLWorkbench 8.0\workbench\os_utils.py", line 360, in exec_command
for line inter(process.stdout.readline, ''):
File "C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQLWorkbench 8.0\Python\Lib\codecs.py", line322,indecode
UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0x8c in position 0: invalid start byte
22:34:52 [WRN] [wb_server_management.py:fetch_windows_shell_info:654]:
ProcessOpsWindowsLocal.fetch_windows_shell_info():WARNING:Unable to
determine codepage from shell:"22:34:58
ERR [wb_admin_control.py:server_polling_thread:561]—Error creating
SQL connection for monitoring: MySQL error('Unable to connect to
localhost(code2003)') 22:34:58 [ERR] [pymforms]:Unhandled
exception in Python code:Traceback (most recent call last):File
"C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Workbench 8.0\modules\wb_admin_grt.py",
line 401, in
ignore=mforms.Utilities.add_timeout(0.1, lambda:context.open_into_section("admin_server_status", True)) File
"C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Workbench 8.0\modules\wb_admin_grt.py",
line329,in open_into_section
page=page_class(self.ctrl_be,self.server_profile,self.admin_tab)File"C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQLWorkbench
8.0\modules\wb_admin_server_status.py", line 234, in init
self.status=wb_admin_monitor.WbAdminMonitor(server_profile,self.ctrl_be)File"C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQLWorkbench
8.0\modules\wb_admin_monitor.py", line 251, in init
self.mon_be = wba_monitor_be.WBAdminMonitorBE(UPDATE_INTERVAL, server_profile, ctrl_be, self.widgets, self.cpu_widget, sql)File
"C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Workbench
8.0\modules\wba_monitor_be.py", line 398, in init
self.wmimon=WMIStats(ctrl_be, server_profile, cpu_widget) File "C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQLWorkbench
8.0\modules\wba_monitor_be.py", line 343, in init
raise Exception("Current profile has no WMI enabled")#TODO Should be better message Exception:Current profile has no WMI enabled
The reason was that MySQL service was down.
You can now connect when you start the service.
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