When using AJPProxy and setting the context path to /, relative paths such as css/js are not read well

Asked 2 years ago, Updated 2 years ago, 150 views

The environment is
SpringMVC That's it.

When creating a web application, the VIEW style sheet and JavaScript's relative path are offset.

Set the context path to " / " and
I would like to access the TOP page in
DocBase must be written in server.xml.

 http:// domain/context path/

I don't think I can connect without .
Therefore, using apache's AJP proxy,

http:// domain/

http:// domain:8080/context path

I tried to transfer it to
The path of js,css to import is




It has become and cannot be captured successfully.

reluctantly add DocBase to server.xml and
The context path has been set to / .
Is there any other good way to set it up independently of the operating server?

java apache spring tomcat

2022-09-30 20:12

1 Answers

In Apache's httpd.conf or proxy_ajp settings

<IfModule proxy_ajp_module>
    ProxyPassajp://localhost:8009/war Context Path/

I think it will be all right if you write down .
The point is that Location specifies the context path for the root path (/) → Tomcat war.

Of course, it's not good to mention the context path in the path of css/js on the web application side.

I hope it will be helpful

2022-09-30 20:12

If you have any answers or tips

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