When testing the connection between multiple servers in a docker-built development environment
I often want to see the contents of requests from one server to another.
Debug log is being stocked in the receiving server side code.
Debugging, commenting out, and the code gets dirty.
Set up a server that simply stores HTTP requests.
I wish I could only switch the name of the docker-compose connection and debug it
I have an article about the HTTP echo server.
Establish an HTTP server.
Resuponsuha200OK fixed or something like that would be fine
Easily create containers that store the contents of flying GETs and POSTs.
Could you make something like a template container?
If you just set up nginx or apache, you won't know the header information or POST BODY.
If you use an echo server, the sender will eventually have to record the response, so it will not be solved.
I'd like to record it on the server side.
on a generic Linux container bash that is not complete in the container itself
It doesn't matter if it's a one-line or a way to run an http server that's very easy to write
I would appreciate it if you could let me know if there is a good way to realize it
docker http
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