How to Verify the Google Sheets API v3 to v4 Migration

Asked 1 years ago, Updated 1 years ago, 99 views

GoogleSheetsAPIv3 is out of service on March 3, 2020, and a document on how to migrate to SheetsAPIv4 has been published. How can I confirm that v4 migration is supported so that v3 will continue to work without any problems?

We are building a web application implemented in Java (partly GoogleAppScript) in the AppEngineStandard environment.
If gdata-spreadsheet-3.0.jar and gdata-spreadsheet-meta-3.0.jar are excluded from the build path and there is no build error and the SheetsAPI usage area works, can I think that there is no problem after the SheetsAPIv3 service ends?

I know that v4 has been available since 2016, and some of them are using v4 to improve performance, but I have come to this point because it is difficult for customers to ask for a complete renovation of the current service due to the upgrade.

I look forward to your kind cooperation.

google-apps-script google-app-engine google-api java8

2022-09-30 19:54

1 Answers

If gdata-spreadsheet-3.0.jar and gdata-spreadsheet-meta-3.0.jar are excluded from the build path and there is no build error and the SheetsAPI usage area works, can I think that there is no problem after the SheetsAPIv3 service ends?

I don't know what use means, but why does it work if the API is said to be out of service (in this case, jar)?
You're talking nonsense.
If you want to exclude it, you are not using the Spreadsheet API.

2022-09-30 19:54

If you have any answers or tips

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