I want to get Firebase token in Actions on Google

Asked 1 years ago, Updated 1 years ago, 112 views

Action on Google to get Firebase tokens

I created an app on Google App Engine (GAE) on Google Cloud Platform (GCP).
I use Firebase Authentication for authentication.

I am trying to create a VUI app on Action on Google on a different project from the GAE app above on the GCP.
I would like to retrieve the data stored in Cloud Datastore in the GAE app using RESET API from the Actions on Google app.

The RESET API requires a Firebase token to authenticate the GAE application.
From the Actions on Google app, you can get a Google account ([email protected]) and a Google account access token.

Is it possible to obtain the Firebase token of the GAE application using Actions on Google's AccountLinking function?
If possible, could you tell me how to get the Firebase token?

node.js google-app-engine firebase google-cloud

2022-09-30 19:51

1 Answers

Using Actions on Google's AccountLinking feature, you can get a Google account and its access token.You can use it to authenticate with Firebase.


In this case, if you give your Google account and its access token to the GAE where the app is running, you can authenticate with Firebase without the Firebase token.

2022-09-30 19:51

If you have any answers or tips

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