I want to link my name and profile picture to my email address in Firebase.

Asked 1 years ago, Updated 1 years ago, 78 views

What you're doing now
·Log in with your email address and password

I was able to log in with Firebase, but I would like to link my name and profile picture to my account if possible.What kind of code should I write to do this?

swift ios swift3 firebase xcode8

2022-09-30 19:49

1 Answers

The Swift code is as follows

let changeRequest=FIRAuth.auth()?currentUser?profileChangeRequest()
changeRequest ?.photoURL=photoURL
changeRequest ?.commitChanges(){(error)in
  // ...

There is a code for managing users of Firebase documents.
Check it out for the latest information.


2022-09-30 19:49

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