>>> Lowercase = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
>>> Number = "0123456789"
>>> s = "p0Y123!@#THon"
>>> s_u, s_l, s_n, s_s = "", "", "", ""
>>> for c in s:
If c in uppercase:
s_u += c
elifc in lower case:
s_l += c
elif c in number:
s_n += c
s_s += c
>>> s_u, s_l, s_n, s_s
('YTH', 'pon', '0123', '!@#')
>>> len(s_u), len(s_l), len(s_n), len(s_s)
(3, 3, 4, 3)
Lowercase letters, uppercase letters, numbers, etc. are defined in the string module.
>>> s = 'p0Y123!@#THon'
>>> import string
>>> string.digits
>>> string.ascii_lowercase
>>> string.ascii_uppercase
>>> list(filter(lambda c:c in string.ascii_lowercase, s))
['p', 'o', 'n']
With Python's basic module, you don't need to create an iterative structure.
import itertools as it
import string
from collections import Counter
classification_char_type = lambda c: 'lower' if c in string.ascii_lowercase else 'upper' if c in string.ascii_uppercase else 'digit' if c in string.digits else 'special'
s = 'p0Y123!@#THon'
counter = Counter(list(iter(lambda s=iter(s): classification_char_type(next(s)), [])))
Counter({'digit': 4, 'lower': 3, 'upper': 3, 'special': 3})
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