Please tell me about Android encryption and key management.

Asked 1 years ago, Updated 1 years ago, 103 views

In order to encrypt data and manage keys on Android, the developer page is written to use the Android Keystore System, but this key management seems to disappear in FactoryReset.Is there a way to keep a secure key without erasing it in FactoryReset?I'm sorry, but please let me know.

android security

2022-09-30 19:46

1 Answers

The Android Keystore must be used on the assumption that the key disappears due to user interaction.
Here is a presentation of Droid kaigi, so please refer to it.

If you want to encrypt from the initial state of the application, try decrypting it once when you start the application. If it fails, how about re-encrypting the data as a new device?

2022-09-30 19:46

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