How do I restore the GCP App Engine default service account?

Asked 2 years ago, Updated 2 years ago, 105 views

I accidentally removed the App Engine default service account (account in the domain) from the IAM and Administration > Service Accounts and IAM and Administration > IAM in GCP.

I would like to restore my service account because I can no longer use any services related to GAE, but I have not been able to restore it properly.
Could you give me some advice on how to restore it?

The following are some of the restoration methods you have tried and the results:

We tried to restore two patterns by referring to the following sites.

Restoring the Google Cloud Default Service Account?

Google App Engine Deploy Error Code 9

Restoring a Deleted Default Service Account

】How to restore using repair API of REST APII
Executed Commands

gcloud auth application-default login
gcloud auth application-default print-access-token
curl-X POST-H"Content-Type:application/json"-H"Authorization:Bearer ya2...YkZ" {project-id}:repair

[Curl Response]

  "name": "apps/{project-id}/operations/34b...845",
  "metadata": {
    "@type": "",
    "method": "google.appengine.v1.Applications.RepairApplication",
    "insertTime": "2019-01-08T01:19:48.709Z",
    "user": "{email}",
    "target": "apps/{project-id}"


 Unable to verify the creation of App Engine default service account on IAM and Management > IAM and Management > IAM

】How to restore using gcloud command を
Executed Commands

gcloud config set project {project-id}
gcloud beta app repair

Last Command Results

Waiting for operation [apps/{project-id}/operations/047...3ad] to complete...failed.
Repairing the app [{project-id}]...failed.
ERROR: ( Error Response: [13] An internal error occurred while sensing the default service account exists.


 Unable to verify the creation of App Engine default service account on IAM and Management > IAM and Management > IAM

google-app-engine google-cloud

2022-09-30 19:43

1 Answers

I will answer because it was exactly the same.

As shown in the issue below, you said that it was being handled as a known issue as of 1/8th, but there seems to be no progress as of 1/30th, so I think we have no choice but to recreate the project.

This is known issue, and engineering is already working towers a fix. No estimated time to resolution has been set. Meanwhile, you may follow developments in this thread.


F.Y.I. By the way, when I asked a question on the gcpug rack, kind people told me in seconds.

2022-09-30 19:43

If you have any answers or tips

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