I am currently making a product in the React+Lavel environment.
Server-side rendering is required and is being built using spatie/larvel-server-side-rendering.
The local test environment was successful, but in the production Docker environment (using Laradock), the SettingNODE_PATH in this field will cause you to throw up errors.
Therefore, I would like to obtain the correct Node Path in the Laradock environment.
The command"~/home/laradock/.nvm/versions/node/v10.10.0/bin/node
Exit Code: 127 (Command not found)
Working directory: /var/www/publicOutput:
================ Error Output: ================
sh:1: /var/www/home/laradock/.nvm/versions/node/v10.10.0/bin/node —not found
9d81cb0602e3laradock_nginx "nginx" 2 hours ago Up 2 hours>80/tcp,>443/tcplaradock_nginx_1
668f7d68aaf0laradock_php-fpm "docker-php-entrypoi..." 2 hours ago Up 2 hours 9000/tcplaradock_php-fpm_1
c7d82a9c046e laradock_mysql "docker-entrypoint.s..."2 hours ago Up 2 hours>3306/tcp laradock_mysql_1
f0929682024f laradock_workspace"/sbin/my_init"2 hours ago Up 2 hours>22/tcp laradock_workspace_1
c190eef71c4f docker:dind "dockerd-entrypoint...."2 hours ago Up 2 hours 2375 / tcp laradock_docker-in-docker_1
that appears in which node
was moved as described in .env.However, in a Docker environment, after attaching docker exec-it laradock_workspace_1bash
, which node
appears in /home/laradock/.nvm/versions/v10.0/bin/node
in .env.
Also, setting NodePath /Users/ksk/.nodebrew/current/bin/node
in the local environment resulted in the same error.
Ravel's .env
APP_DEBUG = true
APP_URL = http://localhost
In the first place, Docker's understanding is poor, and I am very sorry for the poor explanation, but I would appreciate it if you could let me know if you have similar experiences.
php node.js docker laravel
When I defined the path of the workspace container, I realized that the path is throwing up errors because php-fpm works in the build environment.
So I will install node on php-fpm.
Add the following three lines to the php-fpm Docker-file
RUN apt-get install-ygnupg
RUN curl-sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_10.x | bash-
RUN apt-get install-y nodejs
After stopping the docker container, use the docker-compose build php-fpm to build & install
After attaching it to the container, the node will start, so after checking it, get the path with which node
so I set this and it worked well...
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