How does the web service work to automatically generate processing results and display DL links when you upload files?

Asked 1 years ago, Updated 1 years ago, 86 views

Sorry for the vague content.
There are various services such as PDF lightening service, ZIP service, automatic insertion of watermarks when uploading materials such as illustrations and images. What kind of programs are working?

Does the server process a set of programs that process selected image files and automatically generate > launch code that instructs programs like the command line?

Is it possible to do such a process within the range of languages such as PHP and Javascript?
If you give arguments to the API, the result will be returned with the return value.

If possible, I am also looking for clear conditions for operation.
Thank you for your cooperation.

html webapi

2022-09-30 19:39

1 Answers

Do you expect to use only PHP on rental servers?

Even so, PHP libraries are available in a wide variety of ways, so you can do a lot of things using them without having to implement them from scratch.

As mentioned in the question, it is also possible to launch a time-consuming process in the exec function as a separate process to obtain only the results later.You can also use PHP to describe what the exec function calls itself (you can run the PHP module on the command line).

It's important to note that rental servers can share a single server with multiple users, so if you find a process that monopolizes bandwidth, CPU processing time, memory, etc. for a long time, it often ends automatically, so you have to implement it without load.

Also, you may not be able to use a server unless you have some freedom to install the library you want to use, even if you look for features that are not available on the server side, so you need to understand what kind of restrictions the server has.

2022-09-30 19:39

If you have any answers or tips

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