Products folder is empty when XCode is archived during iOS app release operation

Asked 1 years ago, Updated 1 years ago, 119 views

As you can see in the title, when I did Product→ Archive on XCode while working on the iOS app release,
The Details display Generic Xcode Archive and cannot proceed with Validate Content

XCode organizer screen

Looking at the contents of the generated archive file (.xarchive), I think this may be the cause of the empty contents of the products, but could you give me some advice?

When I tried creating a new project and archived it, I was able to press the Validate Content button without any problems.

The XCode version is 11.4.1
Cocoapods are 1.9.1.

Press the archive button and press the <a href=

in the generated .xcarchive package.

ios xcode cocoapods

2022-09-30 19:39

1 Answers

Additional information

I created a new project and moved all the files manually, and it worked fine.
I think there was something wrong with the settings.
Sorry for the trouble.

2022-09-30 19:39

If you have any answers or tips

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