If you put a Japanese folder in a folder monitored by gulp-watch, it stops with an error.

Asked 1 years ago, Updated 1 years ago, 107 views

If you create and rename a new folder in a folder that is being monitored by gulp-watch, an ENOENT error will occur and the monitoring will stop.
Instead of not using the folder name in Japanese,
If possible, I would like to be able to add folders easily.

I tried both Mac and Windows operating systems.
The node version is v0.12.5gulp version is 3.9.0.

javascript node.js gulp

2022-09-30 19:33

1 Answers

Both MAC & WINDOWS operating systems have resolved the issue.


without using

By using the plug-in, we were able to avoid situations where monitoring stopped.

[Addition on July 1, 2015] In the case of WINDOWS, there is an error in deleting the folder and the monitoring is stopped.
[Additional note on July 2, 2015] I understand that the monitoring stopped due to an error when deleting the folder in WINDOWS.

vinyl-file is not about directors (as gulpitself), so events for create and delete directors are not limited. If there is any files in this directory-then you will getunlink `event for these files.

Gulp-watch Producer Answers

In the case of MAC, there was no error when deleting each directory.

In the case of WINDOWS, we could avoid the above errors by deleting all files and then deleting folders.

2022-09-30 19:33

If you have any answers or tips

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