What you want to do and what you can't do
Currently, when testing the return value of method A, we are trying to mock the return value of method B in method A.
For the time being, if the return value of method B executed in method A is used as an argument, it can be tested without being mocked, but I don't want to do this solution because it changes the existing code.
US>class Sample {
return b()+4;
// Usually seven.
// If it's mocking test.
import 'package: sellca_pad_3/models/sample.dart';
import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart';
import 'package:mockito/annotations.dart';
import 'package:mockito/mockito.dart';
@GenerateMocks ([Sample])
void main() {
test('Test Mock',(){
final mockSample=MockSample();
when(mockSample.b()) .thenReturn(5);
final sample=Sample();
final addResult=sample.a();
expect(addResult, 9);
Expectations and Actual Values for the Results of this Test
Expected value: 9
Actual value: 7
In when(mockSample.b()) .thenReturn(5);
I wanted to change the return value of method b from 3 to 5, so that the return value of method a is from method b's return value (3)+4 to method b's mocked return value (5)+4 to 9, but the unmocked method b is returned in method a.
If you have any advice to solve this problem, please give me some advice.
I think the code I gave you is incomplete, but I put the mock function in the code I gave you, but I don't use it.
Very simple, I created a new instance of Sample with this code, which has nothing to do with the mock.
final sample=Sample();
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