User authentication crashes with iOS app using GooglePlayGameServices

Asked 2 years ago, Updated 2 years ago, 175 views

If you authenticate the user of GPG within the iOS application built by Unity, it will crash.
Is there a way to authenticate without crashing on iOS?

Xcode Thread View

0x32390df8: svc#0x80
0x32390 dfc —blo 0x32390e14;__pthread_kill+32
0x32390e00: ldrr12, [pc, #4]; __pthread_kill+24
0x32390e04: ldrr12, [pc, r12]
0x32390e08—b 0x32390e10;__pthread_kill+28
0x32390e0c —subeq r4, r8, #0x80000001
0x32390e10—bx r12

US>Used Version

Unity 3D 4.6.3 f1
  Google Play Games Plugin for Unity v0.9.11

Xcode 6.1.1
  GooglePlayGames SDK v3.1.1
  GoogleMobileAds SDK v7.0.0
  Google Plus SDK v1.7.1
  Google Play Games C++ SDK v1.3

In addition, we have authenticated with Android without any problems, and we are able to use the leaderboard and cancel our performance.

ios xcode unity3d google-play-service

2022-09-30 19:26

1 Answers

Now that I've solved it myself, I'll write down a simple solution.

  • Delete GooglePlayGames.framework (do not delete GooglePlayGames.bundle)

  • Build Setting→Add -ObjC to Other Linker Flag

  • Build Setting → Apple LLVM 6.0-Language-Modules Change both Enable Modules (Cand Objective-C) PROJECT/TARGETS to Yes

  • [Info] → [URL Types] If nothing, click + to add "Identifier" and "URL Schemes" with the Bundle ID in Google Developer Console's linked app.Both should be the same.

Delete GooglePlayGames.framework (do not delete GooglePlayGames.bundle)

Build Setting → Add -ObjC to Other Linker Flag

Build Setting → Apple LLVM 6.0-Language-Modules Change both Enable Modules (Cand Objective-C) PROJECT/TARGETS to Yes

Info → URL Types If nothing, click + to add "Identifier" and "URL Schemes" with the Bundle ID in Google Developer Console's linked app.Both should be the same.

After completing these tasks, the build passed.

2022-09-30 19:26

If you have any answers or tips

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