The plug-in cannot be installed in the vim-only plug-in management tool NeoBundle.

Asked 2 years ago, Updated 2 years ago, 101 views

I am using Vim in CentOS 6.4, and I installed NeoBundle, but the plug-in does not install well.

The ~/.vimrc descriptions are as follows:

 if & compatible
    set nocompatible"Be iMproved
set runtimepath+=/root/.vim/bundle/neobundle.vim/
call neobundle# begin (expand('/root/.vim/bundle/')
NeoBundleFetch 'Shougo/neobundle.vim'

filetype plugin indent on
NeoBundle 'Shougo/unite.vim'
NeoBundle 'Shougo/neosnippet.vim'
NeoBundle 'joonty/vdebug'

call neobundle#end()

When I restart vim, the following message appears and I press y, but the plug-in is not installed.

Not installed bundles: ['neosnippet.vim', 'vdebug', 'unite.vim',
'nerdtree'] Install bundles now?(y)es, [N]o:

Command mode does not display commands, nor does /.vim/bundle/ have a plug-in.
I also set the directory execution permission to 777.
Please let me know if you know anything.


2022-09-30 19:25

1 Answers

set runtimepath+=/root/.vim/bundle/neobundle.vim/call
neobundle# begin(expand('/root/.vim/bundle/')


The permission to execute the directory is 777.

Yes, but

drwxrwxrwx10 root root 4096 November 15 2017/root

That's the situation
I think this is dangerous, but I'll leave this behind and be honest

Can't I install it in a user directory like this?

Also, /root/.vim/ subdirectories below do not have permissions, right?

2022-09-30 19:25

If you have any answers or tips

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