I want to use scp in multistage server configuration

Asked 1 years ago, Updated 1 years ago, 89 views

Client A -- Server B -- Server C
There are network configurations such as .Client A does not have direct access to server C.
In such a configuration, if you try to scp the file from client A to server C,
1. Place the file in scp from client A to server B
2. Log in to server B from client A with ssh
3. Place the file in scp from server B to server C
4.Delete server B files
The following steps are performed:

As it is very troublesome, I am wondering if I can put the file on server C (via server B) only by using client A.

If you know a good way, I would appreciate it if you could let me know.


2022-09-30 19:16

2 Answers

There are two ways you can think of it.

I think 2 is probably closer to what I want to do, so I'll give you a reference site to realize it. I'll show you.


However, if the inter-server configuration is not correct, you may fall for it, so be careful.

2022-09-30 19:16

Add one of them to Client A's through /.ssh/config.

ProxyCommand 1:

Host<Server B>
  User <B Login ID >

Host <Server C>
  User <C Login ID >
  ProxyCommand ssh<Server B>nc%h%p

ProxyCommand available in 5.4 and later:

Host<Server B>
  User <B Login ID >

Host <Server C>
  User <C Login ID >
  ProxyCommand ssh-W%h:%p<Server B>

ProxyJump (available in 7.3 and later):

Host<Server B>
  User <B Login ID >

Host <Server C>
  User <C Login ID >
  ProxyJump<Server B>

Example Execution:

scp myfile<Server C>:./myfile

OpenSSH/Cookbook/Proxies and Jump Hosts-Wikibooks, openbooks for an open world

I think ssh(1) and ssh_config(5) are applicable for man.

2022-09-30 19:16

If you have any answers or tips

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