Are there any DIV elements that can replace online?

Asked 1 years ago, Updated 1 years ago, 36 views

I would like to add online to the div element, but unfortunately I cannot add online to the div at this time.
However, I'd like to add an online item to the div, is there any alternative method?
"What I want to do is ""display other elements after loading the specified part of the online."""

  display: none;
function main_on(){
  .main_off {display:block;}

  <!--Change body css in image onload event-->
  <img src="abcd.jpg" onload="main_on();"/gt;

<section id="main" class="main_off">

I would like to process the above sample code in div, but I could not make it happen with my knowledge, so I would like to ask for your help.
I look forward to hearing from you.

javascript html css

2022-09-30 19:13

3 Answers

From <div>, the 'load' event does not occur, so simply taking the event is not feasible.As far as I can read the question, even if there is an event where <div> is loaded I feel that the definition is different from what the questioner is trying to achieve.

<div> Load Completed...

■...if that is when <div> elements are read by the browser


As , ensure that the code is executed immediately after <div> is loaded.

■...if you define it as <div> element rendering is complete

This is usually when <div> looks like all resources are loaded, so the must execute code after loading the CSS file and after loading the JavaScript UI library.You will start by putting the code before </body>.


■...if that is when <img> in <div> finishes loading,

Monitor the 'load' event for all <img> elements in <div>, wait for all image resources to load, and then write the code so that the process begins. If you use jQuery, you will see the following:(It's a little dirty)

<div> Wait for all images to read before the div.onload() is called:

<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
// Allow the online function to be called after loading IMG in the element
    vardiv = this[0];
    varimgs = this.find("img");
    var count = imgs.length;
    if(count==0&div.onload), count);
    var loaded = 0;"load", function(e){
      // Image loaded
      if(loaded===count&&div.onload), count);
  // Scan all div[.onload-on-img-onload] in the document and enable online
<div class='onload-on-img-onload'onload="window.alert('all resources loaded')">
    <img src=""/>
    <img src=""/>
    <img src="$File/James-E.-Buttersworth-Clipper-in-a-Heavy-Sea.JPG"/>
    <img src="$File/James-E.-Buttersworth-Clipper-in-a-Heavy-Sea.JPG"/>

2022-09-30 19:13

Am I correct in understanding that you would like to do some processing after loading all the images?
Personally, if you have no resistance to using jQuery, I think it is better to use Deferred to clean up asynchronous events.
You can do this as soon as you write a little plug-in.What do you think about this?
(I'm not used to using the posting system yet, so there might be an error.I'm sorry if there is one.)

<script src=""></script>
    var all_done = [ ];
              varpromise = new$.Deferred();
    return$.when.apply(null, all_done);

<div class="images">
  <img src="//"/>
  <img src="//"/>
  <img src="//"/>
  $('.images img').all_loaded().done(function(){alert('all loaded')});

2022-09-30 19:13

Can't I use interval?

var intv=setInterval(function(){
    clearInterval (intv);
    // Do what you want here
}, 100);

2022-09-30 19:13

If you have any answers or tips

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