How do you write this in JavaScript?

Asked 1 years ago, Updated 1 years ago, 56 views

I was looking at Flux's Dispatcher.js source.

class Dispatcher <TPayload > {

<TPayload> and _callbacks:{[key:DispatchToken]:(payload:TPayload)=>void};

in the .

In addition to the above,

register(callback:(payload:TPayload)=>void): DispatchToken{

I saw a way of writing like this, but what kind of notation is this?

javascript redux

2022-09-30 18:40

1 Answers

The Dispatcher.js says @flow, so it is JS type annotated by flow


The <TPayload> part defines the Dispatcher class with parameters and names the parameter TPayload ( class ).

_callbacks:{[key:DispatchToken]:(payload:TPayload)=>void} declares the _callbacks member type as key-value

2022-09-30 18:40

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