I have decided to port the program that I used for AutoLISP in my business to .Net.
# AutoCAD or compatible IJCAD is currently under consideration.
Previous systems used slide files (*.sld) in dialogs (DCLs).
I decided to rebuild the screen in WindowsForm, but the I/F using the slide file is
I couldn't find it.
How do I use slides in .Net?
I don't want to use AutoLISP, DCL as much as possible.
That's all.
.net autocad ijcad
It looks like AutoLisp is using it, and there seems to be no I/F as .Net.
If you want to use it, you may need to replace it with an image class such as Bitmap.
The format itself seems to be published, so I will write the URL for your reference.
This article contains code to load SLD and SLB files on .Net and convert them to .Net Bitmap.
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