Swift 2.1
Realm 0.98
As an image, multiple questions and answers are stored in a DB like a quiz app, and
Select from the question list to display a questionnaire and provide answers.
I just introduced Realm, and I don't really understand the overall flow.
I've seen the update documentation, and I can create a model where I can process the data.
That's all I could understand.
Could you tell me how to create an image?
ios swift realm
When I input initial data (=seed data), I set a flag for the initial boot process and only pour it in at the first boot.
Specifically, AppDelegate is working on it, so look at the specific code (some methods are omitted due to the amount of sentences).
Please use the insertSeedData
method to prepare for kishikawa katsumi's response and add a write action.
import UIKit
import RealmSwift
var window —UIWindow?
let defaults = NSUserDefaults()
func application(application:UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions:[NSObject:AnyObject]?) ->Bool{
// initial boot process
letdic = ["initialLaunch": true ]
if defaults.boolForKey("initialLaunch") == true {
print("initial setup start")
return true
func initialSetUp(){
// initial migration
// seed data input
// flag as first-time-launched
self.defaults.setBool(false, forKey: "initialLaunch")
let config = Realm.Configuration(
// Configures a new schema version.Must be greater than the previous version.
// (If you have never configured a schema version, 0 is initially configured.)
schemaVersion: 1,
// Describes the migration process.Attempting to open an older schema version of Realm
// The migration runs automatically.
migrationBlock: {migration, oldSchemaVersion in
// You don't have to do anything!
// Realm automatically recognizes newly added and deleted properties.
// It then automatically updates the schema on the disk.
// Apply the new configuration to the default Realm.
// If the schema version is different when you try to open the Realm file,
// The migration will occur automatically.
let realm=try!Realm()
func insertSeedData(){
// realm
let realm=try!Realm()
// Create an empty app user
appUser.id = 1
// write processing
realm.add (appUser, update:true)
First, consider the structure of the data questions and answers.
The minimum requirement is the text of the question and the answer.Depending on the nature of the application, the order and difficulty level may be necessary.Identify the data items you need and design the class based on them.
In Realm, the class becomes a table called in the general database.
Once you have finished creating the class, save the actual problem statement and answer data to Realm.
This is the initial data.Creating initial data is easy to create a suitable project and do with the simulator.
When initial data creation is complete, copy the resulting file into the real application project and incorporate it.
Real applications load and use embedded files.
The general flow is as above.
As for the current situation, for more information, I think it would be better to ask questions using Realm chat support (you can ask questions in Japanese) http://slack.realm.io/.
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