How do I create an API server for a mock to send and receive Json?

Asked 1 years ago, Updated 1 years ago, 82 views

I am creating a game with Unity's C#.

using the JsonUtility implemented in Unity I would like to test the continuity of Json.

I don't know how to build a mock API server. I'm looking around for a way to build it.
(I want to be able to do simple tests without bothering server engineers)

■What you want to do
 Serialize class and request to server using HttpWebRequest
 Ask the response to return what you submitted in the request as it is, and de-serialize it.

 Unity 5.3.0f4
 Windows 7 64-bit

c# json

2022-09-30 17:44

1 Answers

This is an example of implementing a server that uses HttpListener and DataContractJsonSerializer to return JSON for testing.Please add System.Net System.Xml System.Runtime.Serialization to the reference settings.Administrator privileges are required for execution.

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Runtime.Serialization.Json;
using System.Text;

class program
    static void Main (string[]args)
        using(varh=new HttpListener())
            // TODO—Specifies the hostname and port to listen to.

            for ( ; ; )

                var request = c. Request;

                // TODO: Now I'm going to separate the URLs.

                if(req. HasEntityBody)
                    // TODO—This is where the request body is processed.
                    using(varsr=new StreamReader(req.InputStream, new UTF8 Encoding(false)))))

                // Value you want to return as JSON
                value = new Result() {Value = true, Message = "Aye abcde";

                // Write JSON to the response.
                    newDataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(Result)) .WriteObject(res.OutputStream,value);

public class Result
    public pool value {get;set;}

    public string message {get;set;}

The above code doesn't seem to work with Unity, but if you use the C# compiler that comes standard with Windows 7 even if you don't have Visual Studio,

c:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.5\csc.exe/out: C:\test\mock.exe/ c:\test\mockhttplistener.cs

You should be able to compile from the command prompt as shown in .After compiling and viewing the app, visit http://localhost:58080/ and you should see JSON in your browser.

2022-09-30 17:44

If you have any answers or tips

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