ES6 Breakpoint Does Not Work on RubyMine (or JetBrains)

Asked 1 years ago, Updated 1 years ago, 92 views


John Hunter's

when I start debugging, no breakpoints are ever hit (it does open up the page in Chrome and I get the message' 'JetBrains IDE Support is debugging this tab).I have set breakpoints in my ES6 js files and the generated js files.I feel like I am missing something, I know>

The same phenomenon appears to be occurring as stated in .

If you look at what I said after that,

gulp.src seems to have worked, but

in the project. Gulp.src(['plugin/**/*.es6') does not get a hit and
When I search gulp.src, there are a few hits in node_modules, but where should I mess with it? (Or should I mess with node_modules...)

Is there anyone who worked well on the ES6 breakpoint?

javascript ruby-on-rails gulp npm rubymine

2022-09-30 17:44

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