What kind of study should I do to make malware? [Closed]

Asked 1 years ago, Updated 1 years ago, 62 views

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Closed 2 years ago.

Two years ago

What kind of study should I do to make malware?
Security?Is it python?Of course, it's a technical interest.
It's not a way to make it, it's a necessary knowledge to make it.


2022-09-30 17:33

1 Answers

To the extent that I can't help you somehow

Malware is malicious software, and whatever is malicious software, it seems to call it malware.

int main(){}

But if you create it maliciously, it's malware ( has no end value).

Seriously, everything you need to know about computers will be about everything, and if you want to create malware in a particular field, you need to know about that field.Well, it's impossible to do it at this point, right? I've been studying for a few years, but I still don't have enough knowledge or experience, or all sorts of things.

# If you don't mind if it's not real malware, the Infinite Alert Incident has been treated as malware, so why don't you check it out?

2022-09-30 17:33

If you have any answers or tips

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