About OpenCV Camera Access: OpenCV: not authorized to capture video (status 0), requesting

Asked 2 years ago, Updated 2 years ago, 83 views

I would like to connect two cameras to my PC and use C++ and OpenCV to create a panoramic composite of the images obtained from each.

I created the code by referring to the site below.

The build passed, but according to the console log, there seems to be a problem with the camera permission and it cannot be executed.

Created Info.plist, explicitly mentioning NSCameraUsageDescription, and
We have verified that it is also attached to the affected project, but the error persists.

Please let me know if there is a solution or anything else I should try.

  • macOS 10.14.6
  • Xcode 11.3.1
  • OpenCV 4.4.0

OpenCV:not authorized to capture video (status0), requesting...
 [access] This app has crashed because it attempted to access privacy-sensitive data without a usage description. The app's Info.plist must contain an NSCameraUsageDescription key with a string value exhibiting to the user how the app uses this data.

c++ xcode macos opencv

2022-09-30 17:28

1 Answers

Qiita's iOS camera permission article is helpful?

2022-09-30 17:28

If you have any answers or tips

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