Using the following libraries in Ravel,
I have confirmed that the file can be uploaded to Firebase storage.
Official Documentation
(Isn't this site helpful at all?)
The code looks like this.
$object = $bucket->upload(
fopen(public_path().'/storage/thumbnail/'.$file->hashName(), 'r')
If you check the storage of firebase from the console, the uploaded file exists.
When I try to open it, it becomes loaded and I cannot see the image itself.
1. The file is uploaded, but I can't see it,
The public URL is not generated either because you can specify options when uploading something, or
Do I need to set up permissions on the Firebase side?
2. If I can upload it in a public state, how can I get a public URL?
I checked the official document and the source, but it got stuck, so I would appreciate it if you could give me some advice.
Thank you for your cooperation.
I referred to the code in the sample below.
$object = $bucket->upload(
fopen(public_path().'/storage/thumbnail/'.$file->hashName(), 'r'),
'predefinedAcl' = > 'publicRead'
Added options and uploaded.
I was able to get the download URL.
However, when I try to see the uploaded image on the Firebase console, it is read and not displayed.
I wonder if this part is a bug.
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