Please tell me how to obtain the id of the data saved in activecord.

Asked 1 years ago, Updated 1 years ago, 73 views

I'd like to get the id of the data I just saved in activerecord, but I can't google it (only other information hits), so please let me know.


 data=User.create(:name=>hoge) of the data you just created

Also, please let me know the search words for this information to be a hit.

Additional information

data.attributes['id'] was able to retrieve it.
Is there any problem with this way?

ruby rails-activerecord

2022-09-30 17:00

2 Answers

As long as I tried using the rails console at hand, I was able to get an id in the form of

irb(main): 001:0>c=Company.create:name=>'hoge'
=>#<Company id:4, name: "hoge", created_at: "2015-02-0203:53:58", updated_at: "2015-02-0203:53:58" >
irb(main): 002:0>

Perhaps there is a validation error somewhere?

#name is required
irb(main): 004:0>c=Company.create:name=>'
=>#<Company id:nil,name:",created_at:nil,updated_at:nil>
irb(main): 005:0>
irb(main): 006:0>c.valid?
irb(main): 007:0>c.errors
=>#<ActiveModel::Errors:0x007ffc5b8646d8@base=#<Company id:nil,name:",created_at:nil,updated_at:nil,@messages={:name=>["US>" }>

If the id cannot be retrieved, check the return value of data.valid?.
false has a validation error and cannot be saved.
Check data.errors for the contents of the error.

I was able to retrieve it with data.attributes ['id'].
Is there any problem with this way?

In my case, data.attributes['id'] is not the same way to retrieve it, most of the time it is retrieved from
data.attributes['id'] is probably not the only thing you can get, so you should investigate the root cause.

2022-09-30 17:00

Just in case.

class User<ActiveRecord::Base
user.attributes ['id']

Are there any id methods defined?
Maybe if you do ('hogehoge'...) or something like that,
ArgumentError: wrong number of arguments (1 for 0)
It would be an error like from...activerecord-4.1.9/lib/active_record/... which would be an error in the gem...What do you think?
※ If possible, please let me know what adapter you are using.

2022-09-30 17:00

If you have any answers or tips

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