I'm a Python beginner.
I would like to display the program I created in Python (simple calculation/mahjong library) in my web browser using the bottle framework.
*Partial modifications
Python 3.8 and above
mahjong 1.1.11
v views
│ inindex.html
│ m mahjong.html
If you press the submit displayed in oclocalhost:8080/ ", you will be moved to the oclocalhost:8080/mahjong 移動 page, but the calculation results (print_hand_result(result) running on main.py are displayed as None.
I know that print_hand_result is not displayed, because if I only see results on the browser, the results will be displayed.
I would like to be able to display (print_hand_result(result)), what should I do?
Please let me know.
Bottle v0.12.19 server starting up (using WSGIRefServer())...
Listening on http://localhost:8080/
Hit Ctrl-C to quit.
Warning (from warnings module):
File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 914
ImportWarning: _ImportRedirect.find_spec() not found; falling back to find_module()
from bottle import route, run, template, view
import mahjong
import cgi
import sys
def index():
return template ('index.html')
# calculation
from mahjong.hand_calculating.hand import HandCalculator
# mahjong tile
from mahjong.tile import TilesConverter
# role, option rule
from mahjong.hand_calculating.hand_config import HandConfig, OptionalRules
# cry
from mahjong.meld import Meld
# Wind (Place & Self
from mahjong.constants import EAST, SOUTH, WEST, NORTH
# Generate an instance of HandCalculator
# For output results
default print_hand_result (hand_result):
# the number of characters in an adaptation
print(hand_result.han, hand_result.fu)
# Score (for Tsumoagari [left: parent loss, right: child loss], for Longagari [left: gunner loss, right:0])
print(hand_result.cost['main'], result.cost['additional'])
# role
# Details of the number of characters
for fu_item in hand_result.fu_details:
# Agari shape (honors = 1: east, 2: south, 3: west, 4: north, 5: white, 6: ,, 7: middle)
tiles=TilesConverter.string_to_136_array(man='677889', pin='88', sou='456', honors='222')
# Agari tile (Man's 8)
# Crying (None)
melds = None
54# Dora (Display tile, back dora)
dora_indicators = [
# Options (Reach, Self, Field)
config=HandConfig(is_riichi=True, player_wind=SOUTH, round_wind=EAST)
# calculation
result=calculator.estimate_hand_value(tiles, win_tile, melds, dora_indicators, config)
@route('/mahjong', method=["GET", "POST")
def mahjong():
return template ('mahjong.html', mahjong=a)
run(host='localhost', port=8080, debug=True)
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="jp">
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8">
<form action="/mahjong" method="POST">
<h1><font color="#FF7F50"> mahjong score calculation</font>/h1><br/>br/>>
<input type="submit" value="View Results"/>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="jp">
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8">
<h1><font color="#FF7F50"> mahjong score calculation</font>/h1><br/>br/>>
Results are <br/>>br/>
{{ mahjong}}
Because the print
function only displays a string on the console, the variable a
is empty because print_hand_result
does not return a value.
Use return
to return a value from the function.
Since the result
variable itself retains the data it displays, it is recommended that you expand the variable directly in the template using the template engine Jinja instead of shaping the string in the function.
The sample code below is how to process and return the result
variable to an output string with the get_hand_result
function, and how to display it directly with mahjong.html
You must have installed the package, for example, pipe install jinja2
to run.
sample code
python file
from bottle import route, run, view
from bottle import jinja2_template as template
import mahjong
import cgi
import sys
def index():
return template ('index.html')
# calculation
from mahjong.hand_calculating.hand import HandCalculator
# mahjong tile
from mahjong.tile import TilesConverter
# role, option rule
from mahjong.hand_calculating.hand_config import HandConfig, OptionalRules
# cry
from mahjong.meld import Meld
# Wind (Place & Self
from mahjong.constants import EAST, SOUTH, WEST, NORTH
# Generate an instance of HandCalculator
# For output results
default print_hand_result (hand_result):
# the number of characters in an adaptation
print(hand_result.han, hand_result.fu)
# Score (for Tsumoagari [left: parent loss, right: child loss], for Longagari [left: gunner loss, right:0])
print(hand_result.cost['main'], result.cost['additional'])
# role
# Details of the number of characters
for fu_item in hand_result.fu_details:
# return result as string
lines = [ ]
# the number of characters in an adaptation
lines.append("{} translation {}.format(hand_result.han, hand_result.fu))
# Score (for Tsumoagari [left: parent loss, right: child loss], for Longagari [left: gunner loss, right:0])
lines.append("Loss 1:{}Loss 2:{}".format(hand_result.cost['main', result.cost['additional']))
# role
yaku_names= [y.name for y in hand_result.yaku]
lines.append ("role: {}".format(", ".join(yaku_names)))))
# Details of the number of characters
for fu_item in hand_result.fu_details:
return lines
# Agari shape (honors = 1: east, 2: south, 3: west, 4: north, 5: white, 6: ,, 7: middle)
tiles=TilesConverter.string_to_136_array(man='677889', pin='88', sou='456', honors='222')
# Agari tile (Man's 8)
# Crying (None)
melds = None
54# Dora (Display tile, back dora)
dora_indicators = [
# Options (Reach, Self, Field)
config=HandConfig(is_riichi=True, player_wind=SOUTH, round_wind=EAST)
# calculation
result=calculator.estimate_hand_value(tiles, win_tile, melds, dora_indicators, config)
@route('/mahjong', method=["GET", "POST")
def mahjong():
t = ['a', 'b' ]
return template('mahjong.html', mj=result, is_tsumo=config.is_tsumo, lines=a)
run(host='localhost', port=8080, debug=True, reloader=True)
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="jp">
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8">
<h1><font color="#FF7F50"> mahjong score calculation</font>/h1><br/>br/>>
If the result is a <br/> string...<br/>
{% for line in lines%}
{% endfor%}
If the result is a <br/>mahjong instance...<br/>
{{mj.han}}Turn {{mj.fu}} Marks <br/>
{% if is_tsumo%}
Parent loss: {{mj.cost['main']} Child loss: {{mj.cost['additional']}}<br/>
{% else%}
Gunners lost points: {{mj.cost['main']}<br/>
{% endif%}
{% for yaku in mj.yaku%}
{% endfor%}
<br of >
{% for fuin mj.fu_details%}
{{fu['fu']}} ({{fu['reason']}},
{% endfor%}
<br of >
Run Results
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