Compiling with Static Links in nvcc(cuda)

Asked 1 years ago, Updated 1 years ago, 131 views

Is it possible to compile with a static link in nvcc(cuda) using a method like the -static option in gcc?
I'd like to run cuda-stream benchmark on the simulator, but the simulator does not support dynamic links, so I need a method that can be statically linked with nvcc.
I don't care what version of CUDA you use for compilation.
Thank you for your cooperation.

cuda compiler

2022-09-30 16:46

1 Answers

As a minimum of manners when you ask questions, write more information about your environment (OS, hardware, ...).

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Although it does not specify exactly what you want to statically link to in CUDA, CUDA 5.5 and later supports static links in the Runtime API library.

NVCC::CUDA Toolkit Documentation

--cudart { none | shared | static }

Please read the official manual before asking any questions.

Also, it seems that Driver API, cuBLAS, cuFFT, etc. do not support static links.

What's New in CUDA 5.5 (2): CUDA Runtime Static Links - Total Disclosure Site (Facts as Is)

2022-09-30 16:46

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