Calculation of the number of days excluding weekends and holidays in R language

Asked 2 years ago, Updated 2 years ago, 53 views

Is there a function in R language that can be used to calculate the number of days excluding weekends and holidays? If you specify a 」start date 」 or 終了end date を for the argument, it is like calculating the number of days in that period.Holiday data is a prerequisite for manual preparation.


2022-09-30 16:43

2 Answers

I don't know how you keep holiday data, but let's say it's a vector of the date and time string.

#For 2016, March 21st is a transfer holiday, but it is not included.
>holidays=c("2016/1/1", "2016/1/11", "2016/2/11", "2016/3/20", "2016/4/29", 
               "2016/5/3", "2016/5/4", "2016/5/5", "2016/7/18", "2016/8/11", 
               "2016/9/19", "2016/9/22", "2016/10/10", "2016/11/3", "2016/11/23", 

# Create a daily sequence from January 1, 2016 to October 23, 2016
>s=seq.Date(as.Date("2016/1/1"), as.Date("2016/10/23"), by="day")
# format(s, "%u") returns the day of the week as a number.Monday is one and Sunday is seven.
>length(s[format(s, "%u")<6&!format(s, "%Y/%-m/%-d")% in %holidays])
[1] 199

2022-09-30 16:43

The timeDate package has a function isWeekday() that identifies weekdays and weekends, and I also have G7 holiday data including Japan... but I noticed that there was a omission after posting, so it's better not to use it.Instead, the jholiday() function in the Nippon package gets holiday data.


 ## We are using the code metropolis.
days=seq.Date(as.Date("2016/1/1"), as.Date("2016/10/23"), by="day")

 ## Store 2016 holiday information
hol2016<-jholiday (2016)

 ## discrimination
weekday<-days[isWeekday(days)]#Exclude weekends first
heijitu<-weekday[!weekday%in%hol2016] #Next Exclude Holidays
length(heijitsu)#Check how many days are available
 # [1] 198#metropolis deviation is due to transfer holiday on March 21st

For 2000 and beyond, we first used Vectorize() for jholiday, but because of this, as.numeric(), we have as.Date() returned to Date.

  hol2000_2016<-as.Date(unlist(Vectorize(Nippon::jholiday, "year") (2000:2016))), origin="1970-1-1")
  days<-seq.Date(as.Date(start), as.Date(end), by="day")

heijitu.f ("January 1, 2016, October 23, 2016")
 # [1] 198

2022-09-30 16:43

If you have any answers or tips

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