Web Hosting Questions

Asked 1 years ago, Updated 1 years ago, 85 views

I'm making my own homepage The sql that I learn from the state-funded academy is Oracle db Looking at Cafe24, I thought that only my ql is supported for db Since I'm using it as a beggar, I can find and use Oracle and other things, so let's put it aside There are often errors in linking the project with the dB (I've done a lot with Oracle, so it can be solved to some extent, but this... Hmm... There are many errors that I can't solve even if I google it.) Anyway, so I wonder if I should continue with mysql.

I looked up other web hosting companies and they usually only support mysqldb or Mariadb... Is there any support for Oracledb?

Will it be faster to post an exceptional question at this time? Anyway, it's a series of mental breakdowns. It worked out well when I followed Dongbin's lecture H

mysql oracledb servlet jsp

2022-09-20 18:59

1 Answers

Oracle is extremely expensive to use commercially, so it will be hard to find. I don't know any place.

As the comment says, relying on Oracle can be a disaster, so study ANSI SQL first and distinguish between grammar and functions that can only be used in Oracle, MySQL (MariaDB).

2022-09-20 18:59

If you have any answers or tips

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