How do I load UserScript on Android 7.1.1?I have a lot of opportunities to see bad strings online, so I would like to introduce userjs called WebAborn on Android, but it doesn't work.I installed the Tampermonkey add-on on Firefox and entered the following code, but it didn't work.The same is true of an app called Tampermonkey(dolphin), which allows you to load userjs.What's wrong?The file path is /storage/emulated/0/test/WebAborn.user.js
// @name import_webaborn
// @namespace
// @version0.1//@description import local WebAborn.js
// @author foo
// @require/storage/emulated/0/test/WebAborn.user.js
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
I couldn't upload the image using the StackExchange app, so I will write each step in detail instead.
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on that screen//==/UserScript
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and select File - Save (WebAborn itself does not seem to be working properly).
If you look at a web page that may contain the appropriate keyword, you can see that it has been replaced with the specified characters.
Checked Firefox Nightly (68.0a1).I think it's the same for Release (67)
However, it seems that they are replacing a keyword that is not the keyword they specified.
Well, as soon as the author of WebAborn debugs himself, I think it's a different story.
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