After learning and storing the classification model, you want to apply new data to the model.
I brought new data and completed the padding step, but I don't know how to apply multiple lists at once, so I'm asking you a question!
I would like to apply the model to each of the following lists, derive the classification results and probabilities, and print them out in a table form.
score = float(loaded_model.predict(pad_new))
If you do this,
TypeError: only size-1 arrays can be converted to Python scalars
This error appears.
-Additional -
The code I referred to is the code for classifying one sentence as below.
def sentiment_predict(new_sentence):
new_sentence = mecab.morphs(new_sentence) # tokenization
new_sentence = [word for word in new_sentence if not word in stopwords] #Remove disjunctive
encoded = tokenizer.texts_to_sequences([new_sentence]) # Integer encoding
pad_new = pad_sequences (encoded, maxlen = max_len) # padding
score = float(loaded_model.predict(pad_new)) #Prediction
if(score > 0.5):
print("{:.2f}% chance positive review."format(score * 100))
print("{:.2f}% chance of negative review."format((1 - score) * 100))
sentimental_predict('I really like this product... I strongly recommend it. That's awesome)
98.88% chance positive review.
I'd appreciate it if you could help me with what I should do!
python machine-learning deep-learning
Please understand by translating the error message.
Try without float().
I got the same error in the same classification analysis, did you solve this?
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