I would like to create a webpack4+jQuery+ass environment.
The settings using jQuery do not work, and the following error occurs:
ERROR in../js/index.js
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'jquery' in '/private/var/www/test/resource/js'
@ .../js/index.js1:0-17
ERROR in../js/calender.js
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'jquery' in '/private/var/www/test/resource/js'
@ .../js/calender.js1:0-17
@ .../js/index.js
ERROR in../js/utility.js
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'jquery' in '/private/var/www/test/resource/js'
@ .../js/utility.js1:0-17
@ .../js/index.js
ERROR in../js/validate.js
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'jquery' in '/private/var/www/test/resource/js'
@ .../js/validate.js1:0-17
@ .../js/index.js
npm install jquery
Executing the above command, the jquery package exists in node_modules.
● Directory Configuration
├-- common
│ ----static
│ ----webpack
│ --bundle.js
└-- resource
└-- env
├-- node_modules
└-- package-lock.json
└-- package.json
└-- webpack.config.js
└-- js
└-- index.js
└-- utility.js
└-- scss
└-- style.scss
└-- utility
└-- utility.scss
import*asutil from'./utility.js'
import* as calendar from'./calender.js'
import* as validate from'./validate.js'
// import* as fetch from'./fetch.js'
$(".js_backdrop_trigger").on("click", util.backdropOpen);
$(".js_backdrop_area").on("click", util.backdropAreaClose);
$(".js_backdrop_close").on("click", util.backdropButtonClose);
$(".js_dialog_trigger").on("click", util.dialogOpen);
$(".js_dialog_close").on("click", util.dialogAreaClose);
$(".js_dialog_close").on("click", util.dialogButtonClose);
$(".js_calender_prev").on("click", calendar.prev);
$(".js_calender_next").on("click", calendar.next);
$(".js_select_role").on("change", validate.contractCheck);
● webpack.config.js
// Load webpack to use plug-in
const webpack=require('webpack');
const path=require('path');
// Main JavaScript file (entry point)
entry: "../js/index.js",
mode: "production",
// File Output Settings
output: {
// Output File Directory Name
path: path.resolve(__dirname, '../../common/static/webpack',
// Output File Name
filename: "bundle.js"
// Restart webpack if hash value is automatically given or changed
// filename: "bundle_[hash].js"
module: {
// The directory to be processed by the loader
include:path.resolve(__dirname, '../scss',
// Ability to print to link tags
plugins: [
new webpack.ProvidePlugin({
$: "jquery",
Removing the whole plugins: in webpack.config.js and listing import $from 'jquery'; on the first line of index.js also results in the following error:
ERROR in../js/index.js
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'jquery' in '/private/var/www/test/resource/js'
@ .../js/index.js1:0-238:0-19:0-1 10:0-1 12:0-1 13:0-1 14:0-1 16:3-4 17:4-5 18:4-5 20:0-1 21:0-1 23:0-1
I don't know what to do because I haven't seen any similar examples of myself even after reading the official documents or reading various articles...
I would appreciate it if you could tell me about it for a long time.I look forward to your kind cooperation.
import $from'../env/node_modules/jquery';
You should have added .
import*asutil from'./utility.js'
import* as calendar from'./calender.js'
import* as validate from'./validate.js'
$('.js_slider') .slick({
arrows: false,
dots —true,
$(".js_backdrop_trigger").on("click", util.backdropOpen);
$(".js_backdrop_area").on("click", util.backdropAreaClose);
$(".js_backdrop_close").on("click", util.backdropButtonClose);
$(".js_dialog_trigger").on("click", util.dialogOpen);
$(".js_dialog_close").on("click", util.dialogAreaClose);
$(".js_dialog_close").on("click", util.dialogButtonClose);
$(".js_calender_prev").on("click", calendar.prev);
$(".js_calender_next").on("click", calendar.next);
$(".js_select_role").on("change", validate.contractCheck);
I did not need the following in webpack.config.js.
● webpack.config.js
new webpack.ProvidePlugin({
$: "jquery",
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