Error when trying to update an app in App Store

Asked 1 years ago, Updated 1 years ago, 102 views

In order to update the app released in the App Store, I tried to update it by doing Archive as usual and pressing the Distribute App button, but I couldn't update it because this screen appeared on Xcode.Why?

If there is anyone who can answer, please take care of me.

Displayed messages:

Code signing "FBLPromises.framework" failed.

Enter a description of the image here

swift xcode swift4 xcode6 app-store

2022-09-30 16:08

1 Answers

The new FBLPromises.framework is not signed.

From Terminal, select FBLPromises.framework under Keychain Access to sign the developer and copy the first line

codesign--force--deep-verify--verbose--sign "here's the name of the certificate" --keychain~/Library/Keychains/login.keychain-db FBLPromises.framework

If you sign in , you will be able to upload it.
The name of the certificate is (probably) a string similar to "App Store Application Name (X0X...).

Certificate Name Location

2022-09-30 16:08

If you have any answers or tips

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