Hello, I'm a beginner at Python.
I'm trying to get the data from the web page
Of all things, the necessary data is in the form of a hidden account.
First, I'll upload the code.
from urlib.request import urlopen
import pandas as pd
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from datetime import datetime
fs_rpt_url = "http://comp.fnguide.com/SVO2/ASP/SVD_Finance.asp?pGB=1&gicode=A005930&cID=&MenuYn=Y&ReportGB=&NewMenuID=103&stkGb=701"
fs_rpt_res = requests.get(fs_rpt_url)
fs_rpt_df = pd.read_html(fs_rpt_res.text)
Running the above code will result in data in a data frame format.
From there, in the fourth row,
'Open accounts that participated in the calculation of sales and management costs'
There's a part that comes out like this.
If you actually go to the web page and look for it, there is a +
button next to itSeo
You have to press it to get more details.
I need that data.
I asked the same question the other day, and there was a person who posted how to extract data.
I even made a ticket by searching on the Internet based on that, but it's too much trouble.
Is there a way to pick a data frame, a list format, or anything right away?
I'd appreciate it if you could answer me.
python dataframe
In that case, you should dynamically import data using selenium and webdriver instead of beautiful soup.
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