I'd like to use ruby's parallel to separate objects for each thread. Is there a good way?
Parallel.each(array, in_threads:10) {|val|
obj [thisThread] <<val
You can retrieve the thread currently running in Thread.current.
Wouldn't it be better to put a value in hash
with that thread as the key?
require 'parallel'
{}.tap {|hash|
Parallel.each(10.times.to_a, in_threads:5) {|val|
hash [Thread.current.object_id]||=[]
hash [Thread.current.object_id] <<val
# It's hard to understand as a sample if all of them are processed in the same thread.
# You're explicitly passing your turn to another thread.
# =>{70296018371880=>[0,9],70296018372240=>[1,3,7],70296018372060=>[2,5],70296018371400=>[4,6,8]}
Also, if you want to keep a value for each thread, you can use thread local variables.
require 'parallel'
{}.tap {|hash|
Parallel.each(10.times.to_a, in_threads:5) {|val|
Thread.current [:total]||=0
Thread.current [:total]+=val
hash [Thread.current.object_id] = Thread.current [:total]
# It's hard to understand as a sample if all of them are processed in the same thread.
# You're explicitly passing your turn to another thread.
# =>{70296003558440=>11,70296003558620=>5,70296003558880=>16,70296003558120=>6,70296003557940=>7}
However, data structures such as Hash
originally included in Ruby in hash
are not thread safe, so you might want to use ThreadSafe::Hash
in libraries such as thread_safe.
require 'parallel'
require 'thread_safe'
ThreadSafe::Hash.new.tap {|hash|
Parallel.each(10.times.to_a, in_threads:5) {|val|
Thread.current [:total]||=0
Thread.current [:total]+=val
hash [Thread.current.object_id] = Thread.current [:total]
# It's hard to understand as a sample if all of them are processed in the same thread.
# You're explicitly passing your turn to another thread.
# =>{70280165348680=>13,70280165348480=>6,70280165348340=>16,70280165348200=>10}
require 'parallel'
val=[].tap {|a|
(1..100).each {|i|
Parallel.each(val.each_slice(10), :in_threads=>1) {|split_val|
pp split_val
I'm not sure, but do you mean you want to do something like this?
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