How to Job_search via API on Current LinkedIn

Asked 1 years ago, Updated 1 years ago, 76 views

I'd like to do a job_search via api, but after authenticating the user and obtaining accessstoken


I'm trying to hit something like that, but it's 404 and I haven't been able to get it.

*The response is as follows.

 {"serviceErrorCode":0, "message": "Resource job-search does not exist", "status":404}

Also, scope doesn't know what to request.

Don't you need application authentication?I'm thinking, but I'm at a loss because I don't even know how to set up application authentication.

Could you tell me how to do the current job_search via API on LinkedIn?

Thank you for your cooperation.


2022-09-30 15:36

1 Answers

Only v1 can find documentation as the Job Search API.

With the migration to v2, there were several changes to the features available as public APIs, and there was information that a partnership with LinkedIn was required to take advantage of all features.

The endpoint v2/job-search that was tried in the body of the question does not exist as the error returned, so I think we have no choice but to continue using


2022-09-30 15:36

If you have any answers or tips

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