Want to know how to free nvidia GPU memory without restarting it

Asked 1 years ago, Updated 1 years ago, 102 views

I want to know how to free up memory without restarting my PC.
Is it possible to release memory with commands?

I'm using two GPUs, and I want to keep one of them running. I don't want to restart or stop all processes.

Below is the screen from which the nvidia-smi command was executed.

nvidia-smi command

OS:ubuntu 14.04
GPU:GeForce GTX 1080 pPython(chainer) encountered an error while performing machine learning, and memory is no longer free.

python machine-learning chainer memory-leaks gpu

2022-09-30 15:04

1 Answers

I've never used a Chainer before, but it seems that the kill command eliminates unnecessary processes.

I think we should consider a system design that does not leave zombie processes behind.

2022-09-30 15:04

If you have any answers or tips

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