About WildFly+MariaDB

Asked 1 years ago, Updated 1 years ago, 119 views

Operating Environment: Windows 7 32-bit, Eclipse 4.7 Oxygen, Java 8, MariaDB 10.3, WildFly12

·This is my first time using WildFly.So let me ask you a few questions.

WI understand that WildFly includes Tomcat, but if you have already set up Tomcat servers in Eclipse, will these be competitive or not good?If you actually want to use Tomcat, WildFly will start to work and vice versa, it will be a bit complicated until you get used to it.

グ When I google, there are quite a few differences in how to write module.xml and standalone.xml. What is the simplest way to connect a database (preparing a data source?Is it meaningless or unnecessary to place a jar in a lib like a servlet?

単純I would like to simply run a project made with Servlet & JSP with WildFly, but is there any writing method or precautions that I need to change from using Tomcat on the program side?

いずれ I will have to use WildFly for work eventually, so I will leave my own functionality behind and use it instead of Tomcat.Especially, the DB connection seems to be quite different, so please let me know how to write xml or if you don't need this xml.

java mysql mariadb wildfly

2022-09-30 15:04

1 Answers

WI understand that WildFly includes Tomcat, but if you have already set up Tomcat servers in Eclipse, will these be competitive or not good?If you actually want to use Tomcat, WildFly will start to work and vice versa, it will be a bit complicated until you get used to it.

The default port number is 8080 for both WildFly and Tomcat, so if both are booted on the same server, port conflicts will occur.In that case, booting later will result in an error, so you can start only one of them or change the port number setting.There's no such thing as "WildFly starts to move or vice versa when you want to move with Tomcat.All you have to do is export the web applications developed in Eclipse and verified to work on Tomcat in war file format and deploy them to WildFly.Also, it is correct that WildFly was developed based on Tomcat's source code, not Tomcat.

グ When I google, there are quite a few differences in how to write module.xml and standalone.xml. What is the simplest way to connect a database (preparing a data source?Is it meaningless or unnecessary to place a jar in a lib like a servlet?

There is a WildFly article for beginners, so please read it.Instructions for configuring DB access are also provided.

単純I would like to simply run a project made with Servlet & JSP with WildFly, but is there any writing method or precautions that I need to change from using Tomcat on the program side?

Basically, there is no such thing.Both Tomcat and WildFly are software that implements the standard Java EE specification, so they should basically work well.Tomcat is a software called servlet container that implements only core specifications (such as servlet/JSP) within the standard Java EE specification.WildFly, on the other hand, is a Java EE compliant reference implementation and implements all specifications.Therefore, any web application that runs on Tomcat will also run on WildFly.However, some implementations may need to be modified because they are not completely compatible.

2022-09-30 15:04

If you have any answers or tips

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