How do I get Atom's LaTeX to use mendex?

Asked 1 years ago, Updated 1 years ago, 118 views

I use upLaTeX for TeX Live 2018 and Atom's LaTeX package.

Preamble to index the document you are creating \uspackage {makeidx}
is written \printindex in the body.You can make an index, but the Japanese part becomes a lump.In other words, there are no empty lines between the words that begin with "a" and "i" (English parts have proper empty lines).

When I looked into it, I found out that the reason for making the ind file from the idx file is that makeindex is used instead of mendex.In fact, when I ran the command prompt, I got the output I wanted.That's all I've done, and I don't know how to set it up to use mendex when building with Atom.I would appreciate it if you could tell me what to do.

atom-editor latex

2022-09-30 14:59

1 Answers

I solved myself.Specifically, the latx:setting latexmk [miscellaneous records] worked.

Atom's latex package uses latexmk, so change the latexmk setting instead of the latex package setting.To do so, create a file named .latexmkrc under C:User\Username and write the configuration there.I wanted to change makeindex to mendex this time, so


I only wrote that

2022-09-30 14:59

If you have any answers or tips

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