Posting of wordpress articles during parallel operations during web server migration

Asked 1 years ago, Updated 1 years ago, 52 views

When migrating to a third-party server, I think there will be a parallel period of operation between the two servers due to problems such as DNS.
Posting new articles during the parallel period on a website run by Wordpress is
What should I do?

Can I create and publish new articles on both servers at the same time?

My idea is to consolidate the DB server into the new server so that the article data can be retrieved from it, but how should I place the images and video files?
When migrating servers, we don't change the domain name, so how do I specify to get images and video files stored on each server?

wordpress server-management

2022-09-30 14:56

1 Answers

Do you mean I need to switch services without interruption?

If non-disruptive is required, go through.

In my experience with server migration with global IP changes:

  • Set DNS TTL short (5 minutes, 30 minutes, 60 minutes) before migration
  • Launch a new server
  • Return http status 503 on old server
  • Set DNS to a new server
  • Monitor the access log of the old server and stop the old server once the access has converged
  • Return DNS TTL

It's not easy to set it up in a way that's not common, but it's like proxying from the old server to the new server...

2022-09-30 14:56

If you have any answers or tips

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