Command Line Detects Program Failed to Start Due to Shortage of DLLs

Asked 1 years ago, Updated 1 years ago, 96 views

If Windows fails to start a program due to lack of DLLs, is there a way to check it on cmd.exe or powershell?

The details are as follows.

Recently, when I was creating a Windows container for Apache on Docker, I forgot to install the Visual C++ redistributable package and httpd did not start.
At this time, it took a long time to determine why httpd was not started on the command line or ended immediately after startup, and there was no specific error message in the standard output.

In this case, how can I determine when the Apache container is closed that the cause is a lack of DLLs?

Partial supplement.
In this case, if you run it as a native, you will get an error dialog stating that the DLL is insufficient, but since it is on a Windows container, the dialog will not be displayed and other GUI management tools will not be available.
I asked this question because I wanted to know how to check the error log on Get-EventLog on Powershell.

windows docker dll

2022-09-30 14:52

1 Answers

The cause of abnormal termination is not limited to DLLs, so you should make sure that it is working properly.There are different ways to determine if Apache is doing the right log output.

Also, the cause investigation of abnormal termination should not be limited to "how to check on cmd.exe or powershell".Should I use any tool to investigate?
The method of investigation is to look at the event log.The missing DLL name should also be written.

How to check the error log in Get-EventLog in powershell

As mentioned in Troubleshooting, Log Monitor, a Microsoft-supported open-source tool, allows the contents of the event log to flow to the standard output, which may help you check.
(I was going to write that, but Kunif already introduced me.)

2022-09-30 14:52

If you have any answers or tips

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