There is a project that creates a javascript application that completes within the CLI.
I plan to participate in the project from next week.
I am currently reading the source code for that catch-up.
I wanted to debug it in the local environment because there are a few things that bothered me.
I didn't know how to set the breakpoint and check the variables there.
On the web, you can use the browser debug tool to set breakpoints, but
I was looking for the following sites because I thought I would use IDE for the application that will be completed with the CLI like this time.
There seems to be a lot of IDE itself, but I am having trouble knowing which IDE or debugging tool meets this requirement.
If I wanted to verify only a single file, I thought I would use a browser debug tool, but
In this project, files span multiple files and require them, so I would like to do something else if possible.
Thank you for your cooperation.
javascript jquery node.js
Why don't you try iron-node?
Instead of running on node, simply running iron-node allows Chrome Developer Tools to stand up and debug like a browser.
Deployments can be installed from npm with npm i-giron-node .
When I wanted to debug hubot, I used Chrome's devtool as a debugger by referring to the site below.
Debug hubot in node-inspector - Qiita
I think the simplest ones are as follows.
First Node.js:Debugging Node.js Applications|OSDN Magazine
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