I'm practicing argument passing and then trying to display the values I received from DB.I have created a DB connection/value acquisition class and also created a class to display, but how should I use the arguments in this case? Please give me some advice...
(DBConnection class)
public static void Main()
string words;
string con;
NpgsqlConnection conn = new NpgsqlConnection(con);
varcmd = new NpgsqlCommand(@"select*fromt_voc", conn);
NpgsqlDataReader dataReader=cmd.ExecuteReader();
for (inti=0;i<dataReader.FieldCount;i++)
return words;
catch (Exception e)
var ArgumentException = new ArgumentException();
(Display Class)
private static void StartButtonClick (object sender, EventArgse)
// I'm still in the middle, but it's very complicated here.
string words = MainForm.
I guess the ideal format is as follows, but
// Type to be used as return value
class Row
// define the required columns
public string ColumnName1 {get;set;}
public int ColumnName2 {get;set;}
public bool ColumnName3 {get;set;}
class DBCConnection:IDisposable // This class name is named DbConnection, so we recommend that you change it.
// Move from local variable
NpgsqlConnection conn;
// Change from local variable con to property
public string ConnectionString {get;set;}
// ConnectionString initial value (should be retrieved from configuration file)
= "Server=localhost; Port=532; User Id=postgres; Password=Password; Database=voc";
// The method is changed as follows.
// public static void Main()
public List<Row>GetData()
// Use a list if you are expecting multiple lines
// string words;
List<Row>list=new List<Row>();
// Go to Instance
// string con;
// con="Server=localhost;Port=532;UserId=postgres;Password=Password;Database=voc";
// Since it is instantiated, start connecting only for the first time.
// NpgsqlConnection conn = new NpgsqlConnection(con);
conn = new NpgsqlConnection (ConnectionString);
// The exception handling will be moved here.
catch (Exception e)
through new InvalidOperationException("An exception occurred while initiating a connection.", e);
varcmd = new NpgsqlCommand(@"select*fromt_voc", conn);
// go to conn.Open()
NpgsqlDataReader dataReader=cmd.ExecuteReader();
// set a line-by-line value
// for (inti=0;i<dataReader.FieldCount;i++)
// words=dataReader[i].ToString();
// return words;
var row = new Row();
row.ColumnName1 = dataReader.GetString(1);
row.ColumnName2 = dataReader.GetInt32(4);
row.ColumnName3 = dataReader.GetBoolean(9);
// Add a row to the list of return values.
// go to conn.Open()
// catch (Exception e)
// var ArgumentException = new ArgumentException();
// close only once
// conn.Close();
// Finally, return the value.
return list;
// common close processing
public voiddispose()
conn = null;
// display side
private static void StartButtonClick (object sender, EventArgse)
// ensure disposition with using
using(varc=new DBConnection())
// How to Pass Data
c. ConnectionString=...;
As mentioned above, there are many corrections, so I think it would be better to learn about data access through simple NpgsqlDataAdapter
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