I want to run the inside of the lambda expression linked when one method is called (notify another method)

Asked 2 years ago, Updated 2 years ago, 62 views

■Current state
 Using a multi-online system called PhotonCloud,
 I'm trying to make a multi-match.
 OnConnectedToPhoton on PhotonEventManager.cs is
 When connected to the PhotonServer, events fly.
 I'd like to create a system in which a certain process is called when an event comes flying.
 I'm worried about not being called.
 We have confirmed that the OnConnectedToPhoton method is called.
 I think I can do basic things like events and delivery, but I haven't done it yet.

■What you want to do (C#3.0)
 I'm not particular about the lambda style of the title.
 It's like notifying another method that one method has been called.  Your intention is to

■ Source and Description
 Below is OnConnectedToPhoton on PhotonEventManager.cs and
so that the inside of the lambda formula is called within the SetManager method on ConnectionPhase.cs  I think I'm linking it, but the OnConnectedToPhoton method is called
 The inside of the lambda type is not called.


using UnityEngine;
using System;

public class PhotoEventManager: Photo.MonoBehavior {

    /// <summary>
    /// Called upon successful connection.
    /// </summary>
    public void OnConnectedToPhoton()

    // Call when disconnected
    public void OnDisconnectedFromPhoton()
        Debug.Log("Disconnected from Photon.");


using System;

public class ConnectionPhase

    public void SetManager (PhotonEventManager manager)


Unity 5.5.1 f1
VisualStudio 2015 Community

c# unity3d

2022-09-30 11:55

1 Answers

We interpreted that OnConnectedToPhoton() should be able to register outside of PhotonEventManager.

PhotonEventManagerin the class

public delete void Action(); /////// Add if you get in trouble if the action below is undefined (can be written out of class)

public event Action PhotoConnected; ////// Add

/// <summary>
/// Called upon successful connection.
/// </summary>
public void OnConnectedToPhoton()

    //////// Additional hereinafter
    Action = PhotonConnected;

Add the event definition and the code to call its handler as shown in .

Registering side is


Register the event handler as shown in .

2022-09-30 11:55

If you have any answers or tips

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