■Current state
Using a multi-online system called PhotonCloud,
I'm trying to make a multi-match.
OnConnectedToPhoton on PhotonEventManager.cs is
When connected to the PhotonServer, events fly.
I'd like to create a system in which a certain process is called when an event comes flying.
I'm worried about not being called.
We have confirmed that the OnConnectedToPhoton method is called.
I think I can do basic things like events and delivery, but I haven't done it yet.
■What you want to do (C#3.0)
I'm not particular about the lambda style of the title.
It's like notifying another method that one method has been called.
Your intention is to
■ Source and Description
Below is OnConnectedToPhoton on PhotonEventManager.cs and
so that the inside of the lambda formula is called within the SetManager method on ConnectionPhase.cs
I think I'm linking it, but the OnConnectedToPhoton method is called
The inside of the lambda type is not called.
using UnityEngine;
using System;
public class PhotoEventManager: Photo.MonoBehavior {
/// <summary>
/// Called upon successful connection.
/// </summary>
public void OnConnectedToPhoton()
// Call when disconnected
public void OnDisconnectedFromPhoton()
Debug.Log("Disconnected from Photon.");
using System;
public class ConnectionPhase
public void SetManager (PhotonEventManager manager)
Unity 5.5.1 f1
VisualStudio 2015 Community
We interpreted that OnConnectedToPhoton()
should be able to register outside of PhotonEventManager
in the class
public delete void Action(); /////// Add if you get in trouble if the action below is undefined (can be written out of class)
public event Action PhotoConnected; ////// Add
/// <summary>
/// Called upon successful connection.
/// </summary>
public void OnConnectedToPhoton()
//////// Additional hereinafter
Action = PhotonConnected;
Add the event definition and the code to call its handler as shown in .
Registering side is
Register the event handler as shown in .
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