If you use AVAudioPCMBuffer in swift to write a value to the buffer and sound a sine wave
It was made by referring to .
I'd like to write this as objective-C, but I'm having a hard time because I don't know how to send a message when I write a value on the buffer.
Here's the swift from the previous site.
for vari=0;i<Int(buffer.frameLength);i+=Int(n_channels){
varval=sinf (441.0*Float(i)*2*Float(M_PI)/sr)
buffer.floatChannelData.memory[i] = val * 0.5
When I try to write this in objective-C, buffer.floatChannelData appears as a complement, but memory[i] does not appear as a complement.
I thought I could write in , but how should I write it?
I look forward to your kind cooperation.
swift objective-c avfoundation
From the AVAudioPCMBuffer, floatChannelData
is declared as UnsafePointer<UnsafeMutablePointer<Float>>
, but it means potter
Swift cannot handle pointers directly, so it is accessed through memory
, but is rewritten using an indirect operator as follows:
Rather than Objective-C, you will need to know more about C language pointers.
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