How to Write Syslog Messages from Fortran

Asked 1 years ago, Updated 1 years ago, 75 views

We are developing Fortran-based applications on Linux OSes. I would like to write a message to /var/log/messages, etc. (according to settings such as /etc/syslog.conf). In other words, I would like to send a message to syslogd. Could you please answer any of the following (1)(2)(3)?

(1) Are there any subroutines that have considerable functionality with the libc syslog or vsyslog that can be invoked from Fortran?

(2) Is it possible to call the libc syslog or vsyslog from Fotran?If possible, use variable arguments.However, the message format can be "%d\n" in C style.

(3) Is there any other way to achieve this?

As a precondition, the operating system is RedHat-based Linux and does not consider remote (over the network). If necessary, it is possible to mix the codes of C, but the purpose is to output an error or the like of the Fotran code. I want a certain amount of speed performance (therefore, call system("...") is not allowed). The latest version of the Intel Fortran Compiler is available for Fortran processing.

That's all.

linux fortran

2022-09-30 11:49

2 Answers

Intel Fortran Compiler (ifort) can call libc functions directly.
There are two points that call the C function from ifort:
(1) Specify a rule or argument type for stacking C function arguments into the stack in the interface statement.
(2) An argument is passed according to the designation of (1) when calling a C function.(Use %val() to pass the value.)

Below is a sample program that calls puts() and isdigit().

module libc_api
    implicit none

        integer(c_int) function puts(s) bind(c, name='puts')
            character(c_char), dimension(*), int(in)::s
        end function puts

        integer(c_int) function isdigit(c) bind(c, name='isdigit')
            integer(c_int), int(in)::c
        end function isdigit
    end interface
end module libc_api

program main
    use libc_api
    implicit none


    ! call c-apiputs()
    str="hello world."c
    ret = puts(str)
    print'("puts()ret:", i0)',ret

    ! call c-api isdigit()-1
    ret = isdigit(%val(cint))

    ! call c-api isdigit()-2
    ret = isdigit(%val(cint))
end program main


$ifort highge.f90


Hello world.
isdigit('7') ret:2048
isdigit('f') ret:0

The syslog() call is a variable argument, so specify ATTRIBUTES VARYING in the interface statement.
(If you specify this, you will not be able to check the type of arguments during compilation.)

module libc_api
    implicit none

        subroutine syslog(pri,fmt) bind(c,name='syslog')
            !dir$attributes varying::syslog
        end subroutine syslog
    end interface
end module libc_api

program main
    use libc_api
    implicit none


    ! call c-apisyslog()
    call syslog(%val(3), "write from fortran.cint:%d\n"c, %val(cint))
    call syslog(%val(3), "%s%s, %d\n"c, "hello"c, "world"c, %val(cint))
end program main

After building and executing the above code, we verified that /var/log/messages has the following message:

Jan 10 17:01:47 system7 a.out:write from fortran.cint:12345
Jan 10 17:01:47 system7 a.out: hello world, 12345

Keep C compatibility
Keep C compatibility
in the code Search the Intel® Fortran Compiler 15.0 User Reference Guide to find relevant information.

Verification Environment:
OS: fedora 19 (64bit), GNU libc 2.17
Fortran Compiler Environment: Intel® Parallel Studio XE Professional Edition for Fortran (Assessment) for Linux

$ifort --version
ifort (IFORT) 12.1.3 20120212

Others: I did yum install syslog-ng because syslogd was not working in fedora 19.

2022-09-30 11:49

You can link *.o to FORTRAN and call it, so why don't you use it? As you may know, when exchanging strings between FORTRAN and C, the format is different, so please be careful.

I wrote a sample below.

2022-09-30 11:49

If you have any answers or tips

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