Configuration in rbenv global does not switch to the configuration

Asked 2 years ago, Updated 2 years ago, 116 views

Look at all the steps to build a Rails environment on a Mac - Qiita and aim to build Ruby 2.5.7, Rails 5.2.3.Once it was built, it is now being rebuilt for some reason.

rbenv (Ruby's version control tool)
Ruby Rails
PostgreSQL (database)

Therefore, rbenv global 2.5.7 after rbenv global 2.5.7 while looking at rbenv global, the version does not change, and ruby-v displays "2.6.3" as follows:

Additional References and Tries:
Install multiple versions of Ruby using rbenv - Qiita
How to change (downgrade) Ruby and Rails versions

I would appreciate it if you could let me know.

The shell→ command /bin/sh must be specified from the terminal.
Therefore, specify /bin/sh to perform the task.

$rbenv versions
* 2.5.7 (set by / Users / XXXXXXXX / .ruby-version)

$ which ruby

$ rbenv which ruby

$ echo$SHELL

$ export-p
export HOME="/Users/XXXXXXX"
export LANG="ja_JP.UTF-8"
export OLDPWD
export PATH="/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/sbin:/library/Apple/usr/bin"
export PWD="/Users/XXXXXXX"
export SHELL="/bin/bash"
export SHLVL="1"
export TERM="xterm-256 color"
export TERM_PROGRAM="Apple_Terminal"
export TERM_SESSION_ID="C1F542F7-D155-495D-85C4-4D10A38F555E"
export TMPDIR="/var/folder/km/9g8j45755p30v4fnqq5950qr0000gn/T/"
  • Check the PATH to be added and try adding it in sudo vi~/.bashrc.

    Note: How to set, change, add, confirm, and reorder the environment variable PATH on your Mac

  • !sudovi~/.bashrcDeleted everything

  • !sudovi~/.bash_profile forced the eval "$(rbenv init-)".

  • $ls-la to /.bash*

    -rw ------------- 1XXXXX staff 13338 218 10:13 / Users /XXXXXXX /.bash_history
    -rw -r --r --1XXXXXX staff 174 2 18 10:47 / Users /XXXXXXX /.bash_profile
    -rw -r --r --1XXXXXXX staff12288 29 17:58 / Users /XXXXXXX /.bash_profile.swo
    -rw -r --r --1XXXXXXX staff12288 29 17:25 / Users /XXXXXXX /.bash_profile.swp
    -rw -r --r --1XXXXXX staff 192 18 10:39 / Users /XXXXXXX /.bashrc
    -rw-r--r--1 root staff 122882 18 10:12 / Users / XXXXXXX /.bashrc.swp
    total 760

Find out what PATH to add and try adding it with sudo vi~/.bashrc.

Note: How to set, change, add, confirm, and reorder the environment variable PATH on your Mac

!sudovi~/.bashrc Removed everything

eval "$(rbenv init-)" was forcibly added in !sudovi~/.bash_profile.

$ls-la to /.bash*

-rw ------------- 1XXXXX staff 13338 218 10:13 / Users /XXXXXXX /.bash_history
-rw -r --r --1XXXXXX staff 174 2 18 10:47 / Users /XXXXXXX /.bash_profile
-rw -r --r --1XXXXXXX staff12288 29 17:58 / Users /XXXXXXX /.bash_profile.swo
-rw -r --r --1XXXXXXX staff12288 29 17:25 / Users /XXXXXXX /.bash_profile.swp
-rw -r --r --1XXXXXX staff 192 18 10:39 / Users /XXXXXXX /.bashrc
-rw-r--r--1 root staff 122882 18 10:12 / Users / XXXXXXX /.bashrc.swp

total 760

ruby macos rbenv

2022-09-30 11:42

2 Answers

First of all, there is a file called .bashrc.swp, and the user is root.
This is a working file that should only exist while editing .bashrc in vi, and can be done in sudivi.bashrc. There is nothing wrong with while sudovi~, but it is strange that it exists when not.
If you have forcibly terminated vi and left it, erase it with sudorm.bashrc.swp.

.bashrc has four lines of exportPATH="$HOME/.rbenv:$PATH".
I don't need everything, so please delete it.

(By the way, I would like you to stop copying and pasting this information as it is extremely inconvenient if it is attached as a screenshot.)

#Add Visual Studio Code The third line is incomplete.I think I did something wrong.You should have misconfigured the PATH on the second line, and the third line should have failed.
Let's turn it off. (Is it because of these two lines that I have to specify the shell→ command /bin/sh from the terminal?)

eval "$(rbenvinit-zsh)" line, zsh setting must not be added to bash.
Also, if you have eval "$(rbenvinit-)", that's enough, so let's erase the line ↑.

If you want to do something about setting Visual Studio Code later, you only need the line eval "$(rbenvinit-)" now.

2022-09-30 11:42

Workaround when Ruby does not switch versions!

If you follow the steps below to reflect the changes to your PC, it will succeed! Sorry for the trouble.

$ vi through /.bash_profile 

export PATH="~/.rbenv/shims:/usr/local/bin:$PATH" 
event "$(rbenv init-)" 

$ source to /.bash_profile

2022-09-30 11:42

If you have any answers or tips

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